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  • DABS Interview Form Cover

    Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale (DABS) - 100 Inter...

    This product is a pack of 100 copies of the DABS Interview Form. 

    Because the DABS relies on IRT, it cannot be scored by hand, and requires a specially developed computer program for scoring. A complimentary, single-use voucher code for the scoring platform is included with the purchase of each manual.

    AAIDD’s online scoring platform for the DABS provides reports for each assessment scored, there is a nominal fee for each use of the scoring platform ($1 per score). The scoring platform is accessed through single-use code(s) emailed to users immediately following their purchase in the bookstore.

    Purchase a single code ($1)

    Purchase a pack of 10 codes ($10)

    Year : 2017
    Author : Marc J. Tassé, Robert L. Schalock, Giulia Balboni, Henry (Hank) Bersani, Jr., Sharon A. Borthwick-Duffy, Scott Spreat, David Thissen, Keith F. Widaman, and Dalun Zhang


    • DABS Interview Form Cover

      Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale (DABS) - 25 Interv...

      This product is a pack of 25 copies of the DABS Interview Form. 

      Because the DABS relies on IRT, it cannot be scored by hand, and requires a specially developed computer program for scoring. A complimentary, single-use voucher code for the scoring platform is included with the purchase of each manual.

      AAIDD’s online scoring platform for the DABS provides reports for each assessment scored, there is a nominal fee for each use of the scoring platform ($1 per score). The scoring platform is accessed through single-use code(s) emailed to users immediately following their purchase in the bookstore.

      Purchase a single code ($1)

      Purchase a pack of 10 codes ($10)

      Year : 2017
      Author : Marc J. Tassé, Robert L. Schalock, Giulia Balboni, Henry (Hank) Bersani, Jr., Sharon A. Borthwick-Duffy, Scott Spreat, David Thissen, Keith F. Widaman, and Dalun Zhang


      • DABS front cover high-res

        Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale (DABS) User's Manual

        The Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale® (DABS®) User's Manual provides essential preparation for using the DABS.

        Adaptive behavior consists of conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills.

        Designed for use with children between the ages of 4 - 21, the norm-referenced DABS interview provides a precise assessment of adaptive behavior for the purpose of determining whether the person meets one of the criteria necessary for a diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID). 

        The DABS has a number of unique features that support its precision, accuracy, validity, and credibility in making a diagnosis of ID. The DABS:

        • Measures some aspects of adaptive behavior that are not currently measured by other standardized instruments, including naiveté, gullibility, and technology-based skills.
        • Uses item response theory (IRT) to reliably measure individual performance levels across the continuum of adaptive skills and ages.
        • Provides precise information to assist users in determining significant limitations in adaptive behavior.

        The User’s Manual includes a sample copy of the interview form. Bundle packs of interview forms are also available in the bookstore.

        Because the DABS relies on IRT, it cannot be scored by hand, and requires a specially developed computer program for scoring. A complimentary, single-use voucher code for the scoring platform is included with the purchase of each manual.

        AAIDD’s online scoring platform for the DABS provides reports for each assessment scored, there is a nominal fee for each use of the scoring platform ($1 per score). The scoring platform is accessed through single-use code(s) emailed to users immediately following their purchase in the bookstore.

        Purchase a single code ($1)

        Purchase a pack of 10 codes ($10)

        Year : 2017
        Author : Marc J. Tassé, Robert L. Schalock, Giulia Balboni, Henry (Hank) Bersani, Jr., Sharon A. Borthwick-Duffy, Scott Spreat, David Thissen, Keith F. Widaman, and Dalun Zhang


        • DABS front cover high-res

          Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale (DABS) User's Manu...

          This product bundle is one copy of the DABS User's Manual and a pack of 25 DABS interview forms. 

          The Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale ® (DABS®) is an instrument for assessing the adaptive behavior of people between the ages of 4 and 21 for the purpose of determining whether the person meets the second criterion for a diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID). The second criterion is a significant limitation in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. The DABS is a norm-referenced instrument that uses data obtained from an interview with a respondent who knows the person very well.

          The DABS has a number of unique features that support its precision, accuracy, validity, and credibility in making a diagnosis of ID, including:

          • Measures some aspects of adaptive behavior that are not currently measured by other standardized instruments, including naiveté, gullibility, and technology-based skills.
          • Designed using item response theory (IRT) and reliably measure individual performance levels across the continuum of adaptive skills and ages.
          • Provides precise information to assist users in determining significant limitations in adaptive behavior.

          Because the DABS relies on IRT, it cannot be scored by hand, and requires a specially developed computer program for scoring. A complimentary, single-use voucher code for the scoring platform is included with the purchase of each manual.

          AAIDD’s online scoring platform for the DABS provides reports for each assessment scored, there is a nominal fee for each use of the scoring platform ($1 per score). The scoring platform is accessed through single-use code(s) emailed to users immediately following their purchase in the bookstore.

          Purchase a single code ($1)

          Purchase a pack of 10 codes ($10)

          Year : 2017
          Author : Marc J. Tassé, Robert L. Schalock, Giulia Balboni, Henry (Hank) Bersani, Jr., Sharon A. Borthwick-Duffy, Scott Spreat, David Thissen, Keith F. Widaman, and Dalun Zhang


          • liveslegacycover19 (002)

            Lives and Legacies of People With Intellectual Disabi...

            epubThis is an eBook version of 

            Lives and Legacies of People With Intellectual Disability.

            See the book description and/or purchase a print edition by clicking here.

            See our E Reader Tips for successful downloading.
            Year : 2020
            Author : Kenneth D. Keith and Heather E. Keith


            • Lives and Legacies cover

              Lives and Legacies of People With Intellectual Disabi...

              Lives and Legacies of People with Intellectual Disability provides a new way to view the personal and cultural contributions of people with ID.

              This book is intended to be instrumental in moving toward a new understanding of community. A wide range of relevant literature is reviewed on quality of life, the social context of ID, and supports to ensure that people with ID participate in the meaningful activities of everyday life. Most importantly, individual stories are used to illustrate the meaningful legacies of people with ID.

              You may purchase the e-book version of Lives and Legacies of People with Intellectual Disability by clicking here

              Year : 2020
              Author : Kenneth D. Keith and Heather E. Keith


              • Publication1

                Community Living and Participation for People With In...

                epubThis is a mobile version of 
                Community Living and Participation for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

                See the book description and/or purchase a print edition by clicking here.
                See our E Reader Tips for successful downloading.
                Year : 2019
                Author : Amy S. Hewitt and Kelly M. Nye-Lengerman, Editors


                • communityliving18cvrsprd

                  Community Living and Participation for People With In...

                  Community Living and Participation for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities explores how to create the ideal conditions to facilitate community living and participation for people with IDD.

                  The book addresses the complex and evolving concepts of "community," including living arrangements, work, other daytime activities, financial resources, relationships, personal interests, health and well-being, faith, opportunities for learning and personal growth, self-determination and informed decision making, and rights and responsibilities as a citizen. 

                  Specific topics include using person-centered and positive support practices, housing, employment, social inclusion and relationships, self-determination and self-advocacy, supported decision making, health and wellness, planning for healthy and engaged aging, practices that promote quality outcomes, and the direct support workforce.

                  Each chapter includes advance organizers, discussion questions, and a resource list. The book is ideal as an ancillary textbook at the undergraduate or graduate levels and as a staff development tool.

                  Year : 2019
                  Author : Amy S. Hewitt and Kelly M. Nye-Lengerman, Editors
