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DABS Literature



DABS Evidence Base

The development of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale® (DABS®) was documented in the professional literature. Numerous peer-reviewed studies indicate that the tool provides accurate, precise diagnostic information around the cutoff point where an individual is deemed to have “significant limitations” in adaptive behavior. The DABS is designed for use with individuals from 4 to 21 years old.  

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles Concerning the DABS

Arias, B., Verdugo, M.A, Navas, P., & Gomez, L.E. (2013). Factor structure of the construct of adaptive behavior in children with and without intellectual disability, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. Vol. 13, No 2, pp 155-166.

Balboni, G., Bacherini, A. Anselmi, P., Brovedani, P., Buono, S., Micheletti, S, Robusto, E. & Tassé, M.J. (2022). Italian Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Reliability and diagnostic accuracy compared with the Vineland-II. Research in Developmental Disabilities. Vol 123.

Balboni, G., Tassé, M.J., Schalock, R.L., Borthwick-Duffy, S.A., Spreat, S., Widaman,K.F., Zhang, D. & Navas, P. (2014). The Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Evaluating its diagnostic sensitivity and specificityResearch in Developmental Disabilities.  Vol. 31, No 11, pp. 2884-2893.

Navas, P., Verdugo, M.A. Arias, B. & Gomez, L.E. (2014). Development of an instrument for diagnosing significant limitations in adaptive behavior in early childhood, Research in Developmental Disabilities. Vol. 33, No 5, pp. 1551-1559.

Price, J.A., Morris, Z.A., & Costello, S. (2018). The application of adaptive behaviour models: A systematic review. Behavioral Sciences. Vol 8, No. 1.

Tassé, M.J. & Kim, M. (2023). Examining the relationship between adaptive behavior and intelligence. Behavioral Sciences. Vol 13, No. 252.

Tassé, M.J., Luckasson, R., & Schalock, R.L. (2016). The relation between intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior in the diagnosis of intellectual disabilityIntellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Vol 54, No 6, pp. 381-390.

Tassé, M.J., Schalock, R. L., Balboni, G., Bersani, H., Borthwick-Duffy, S.A., Spreat, S., Thissen, D. Widaman, K.F., & Zhang, D. (2012). The construct of adaptive behavior: Its conceptualization, measurement, and use in the field of intellectual disabilityAmerican Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Vol. 117, No. 4, pp. 293-303.

Tassé, M.J., Schalock, R. L., Balboni, G., Spreat, S., & Navias P. ( 2016). Validity and reliability of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior ScaleJournal of Intellectual Disability Research. Vol 60 No 1, pp. 80-88.

Tassé, M.J., Schalock, R. L., Thissen, D. Balboni,G., Bersani, H., Borthwick-Duffy, S.A., Spreat, S., Widaman, K.F., Zhang, D. & Navas, P. (2016). Development and standardization of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Application of Item Response Theory to the assessment of adaptive behavior. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.Vol. 121, No. 2, pp. 79-94.

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