The Interest Networks provide a forum for AAIDD members with a shared interest or discipline to connect and share ideas and information. AAIDD members are encouraged to join one or more Interest Networks to advance their professional interests.
Interest Networks share information, host webinars, sponsor student and early career conference attendance scholarships, and provide a leadership opportunity for members.
Angela John Thurman
The Interest Network seeks to support and sustain those with an interest in communication disorders and to promote active participation in the Association.
2023-2024 Action Plan
Sharon Gomez
Joanna Pierson
The Interest Network seeks to support and sustain the value and impact of the Association among professionals who manage and lead community-based practices, projects, programs, and organizations.
Michelle Thompson
Tamara Shetron
The Interest Network seeks to support the exchange of knowledge, ideas, research, and practices to enhance the lives of children and adults with IDD through creative arts.
Karen Lee
Jessica Neely
The Interest Network seeks to increase awareness of DSP workforce issues amongst AAIDD members, promote related research and development activities, and to partner on relevant national initiatives that advance the field.
Lauren Bruno
Andrew Wojcik
Katie Brendli Brown
The Interest Network seeks to advance the field in educating children, youth, and young adults with IDD.
Sheli Reynolds
John Kramer
Alisa Sheth
The Interest Network seeks to advance knowledge and practice in the field as it applies to an aging population.
Carrie Coffield
Sarah Ballard
The Interest Network seeks to promote health and wellness research, activities, and educational opportunities for professionals working in the field of IDD.
Alice Bacherini
Hatice Uyanik
The Interest Network seeks to promote international research cooperation and to serve as a home for international members of the Association.
Barb Kleist
Amie Lulinkski
The Interest Network seeks to reduce barriers to the criminal justice system for people with IDD and to inform, support, and advocate for the legal rights of people with IDD.
Ellis "Pat" Craig
Sharon Coutryer
The Interest Network seeks to increase awareness, knowledge of, and skills related to multicultural issues and their impact on service delivery to persons with IDD.
Jill Crane
Doreen Samelson
The Interest Network provides activities and support for AAIDD members with a psychology background or interest in mental health and IDD.
X @aaiddpsych
Deborah Fisher
Keith Dow
The Interest Network seeks to advocate for the opportunities and supports needed for people with IDD to express their spiritual and religious interests, needs, and gifts, and to assist service providers and congregations in embracing inclusion. Includes access to the Journal of Disability & Religion.
Sally Gold-Taylor
The Interest Network seeks to support and advance the impact of research on the field of IDD.
Rhonda Black
The Interest Network provides activities and support for AAIDD members whose professional practice concerns sexuality and intimate relationships among people with IDD.
Jackie McGinley
Rebecca Wells
The Interest Network provides activities and support for AAIDD members with a social work background or interest in social work and IDD.
Jessica Hoyle
Richard Chapman
The Interest Network seeks to enhance the educational and professional knowledge of students and early career professionals working in the field of IDD and to promote their representation and involvement within AAIDD.
Kim Fisher
Vincent Bemmel
The Interest Network seeks to promote the use of technology as a strategy to increase the self-determination and quality of life of people with IDD.
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