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Leadership in IDD        

June 2023

View the archive of the
Leadership in IDD newsletter here.

Commentary from the Field

Art Dykstra

Why Don’t People With ID Use “To-Do” Lists?

Art Dykstra, FAAIDD Cherry Hill Consulting Group

If you are reading this, you probably began your day putting together a to-do list. To-do lists help us feel organized and map out our priorities. They help us remember what we need or want to do. Not having a to-do list sets us up to be at the mercy of other people’s lists. To-do lists make sense.

Let me ask a question of readers who work with people who have intellectual disability or are stakeholders in the IDD system of supports. How many people with intellectual disability that you support, work with, or are your friends use to-do lists or other organizers? I have asked that question to a significantly large number of people working in IDD systems and the most frequent answer, by far, is “none.”

No doubt there are other opinions on this; however, I suggest we consider the underlying personhood of having activities to organize and the agency of mapping out what needs to be done. Perhaps simply engaging the people we support on their “to do” lists is a practical, focused, and relevant person-centered effort that can also increase our own insights into the things that are most important to them.




Recent awards, accolades, appointments, and other honors

Kelly Friedlander

Kelly Friedlander Named One of the 40 Under 40 Professionals in the Triangle Area by Triangle Business Journal
This annual recognition honors outstanding professionals under the age of 40 for their significant contributions to their organizations and to the community.

Congratulations to All our Awardees and Fellows Who Were Recognized at AAIDD's Annual Conference!

Alice Bacherini 2023 Student

Alice Bacherini

Barb Kleist 2023 Policy

Barbara Kleist

Carly Gilson 2023 Early Career

Carly B. Gilson

Carrie Coffield 2023 Leadership

Caroline Coffield

Jim Lemanowicz 2023 Special

James Lemanowicz

Joanna PiersonThe Arc Frederick County 2023 Full Community Inclusion

Joanna Pierson for The Arc of Frederick County

KIm Fisher 2023 Education

Kim Fisher

Katie McDonald 2023 Research

Katherine E. McDonald

Rose Sevcik 2023 Research

Rose A. Sevcik

Diane Morin 2023 Humanitarian

Diane Morin

Steve Eidelman 2023 Service to the Field

Steven M. Eidelman

2023 Fellows

Mian Wang, Lieke van Heumen, Guðný Stefánsdóttir, & Karyn Harvey

Pennsylviania History Dennis Downey Guest Ed

Pennsylvania History:
A Journal of Mid-Atlantic

The Arc of Frederick County Full Community Inclusion

The Arc of Frederick County

Liz Perkins 2023 Service to the Association

Elizabeth Perkins


Opportunities to participate in research, projects, policy development, and other collaborations


Commentary from the field

AAIDD is looking to feature notables and perspective pieces from our members in the field! Send us your commentary to be featured in a future Leadership in IDD Newsletter.

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