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Getting Permission to Use AAIDD's Copyrighted Material


Please note that AAIDD's printed, electronic, and audiovisual materials may not be republished, reprinted, posted online, or otherwise distributed without written permission or contractual agreement with AAIDD.

Person reading a book

Common Publishing and Distribution Concerns

Fair Use

In accordance with industry standards, authors may use excerpts from AAIDD books of up to 300 words, except for figures or tables, without requesting formal permission or paying fees. Full attribution is expected. Tables and figures may not be reprinted without written permission.

In accordance with the Fair Use Section of the Copyright Act of 1976, AAIDD will grant permission to photocopy articles or abstracts from AAIDD journals for one-time use for the purpose of research, scholarship, training, professional development, and education without payment of a fee. This provision includes one-time use of multiple copies in classrooms, agencies, or for distribution at a seminar.


Frequently we receive requests to republish journal articles in books. AAIDD generally will grant permission, contingent on agreement from the author and payment of a fee. If the author does not agree to having the article republished in a book, AAIDD will not grant permission.


Contracts with copy houses permit copying from journal articles only without prior consent. Permissions for reprinting any portion of an AAIDD book must be requested on an individual basis.

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